Saskatchewan Professionals in Infection Control
Past Education Conferences/Meetings
2024 Fall Education Conference and General Meeting: All About Infection Control Professionals (September 13, 2024)
- Infection Prevention: Navigating the Raging Sea of Rules, Requirements & Recommendations - Vydia Nankoosingh (Diversey)
- Leading and Working Across Boundaries - Dr. Anurag Saxena (Post-Graduate Medical Education University of Saskatchewan)
- General Introduction to Choosing Wisely Canada - Stephen Odoi (Regional Analytic Coordinator - Choosing Wisely Saskatchewan)
- Body fluid management: then and now - Emanuel Couture Armand (Hygie/Didactic)
- Highlights from the 2024 IPAC National Conference from our Scholarship winners: Kim, Jennifer, Carla, Melayna, Karrie
2024 Spring General Meeting (May 15, 2024)
Webex meeting recording: SASKPIC General Meeting-20240515 1559-1
Password: GuYr5jTC
Recording link:
2023 Fall Education Conference and General Meeting: Reunited and it Feels So Good (September 15, 2023)
- Infectious Diseases Hot Topics - Dr. Satchan Takaya
- Surveillance in Saskatchewan - Lesley McLean
- Highlights from the 2023 IPAC National Conference from our Scholarship winners: Loretta, Melanie, Jennifer
- Wastewater Testing and COVID-19 - Dr. Tzu-Chiao Chao
- Syphilis and Congenital Syphilis in Saskatchewan - Regina Public Health
2022 Fall Education Conference and General Meeting: Linking Knowledge with Practice: "Understanding the enemy, calming the panic: New organisms in our world" - Jim Gauthier (Diversey) and "Antibiotic Stewardship" - Melissa Kucey (virtually) (September 16, 2022)
2021 Fall Education Conference and General Meeting: "A Brief History of Infection Control: We've come a long way baby!" - Dr. M. Faires and "The IPAC Advantage - Why Saskatchewan needs IPC to go viral" - Jason Tetro - "The Germ Guy" (virtually due to COVID-19) (September 23, 2021)
2020 Fall Education Conference and General Meeting: Candida auris - a yeast behaving badly - Dr. K. Malejczyk (virtually due to COVID-19) (September 18, 2020)
CANCELLED - 2020 Spring Education Session and Meeting: Candida auris - Dr. K. Malejczyk via Teleconference (April 7, 2020)
2019 Fall Education Conference and General Meeting: IPAC Knowledge: Our First Line of Defence (September 20, 2019)
- Highlights from IPAC National Conference from our Scholarship winners: Amber, Ewelina, Amanda, Marilyn
- Adult Vaccinations - Do you know what you need? - Loretta van Haarlem
- Epi Saves the Day! Keep Calm and Call the Epidemiologist - Dr. Meredith Faires
2019 Spring Education Session and Meeting: Understanding the Mechanisms of Resistance in AROs and Why it is Important - Dr. K. Malejczyk (March 6, 2019)
2018 Fall Education Conference and General Meeting: IPAC from A to Z (September 28, 2018)
- Your Friends in the Lab - How microbiology can help in the fight against AMR - Dr. Jessica Minion
- As the Hospital Turns - The Continuing Saga of Environmental Cleaning and Disinfection - Terry Shaw and Corey Weisgerber
- The Patient has What? Zoonotic Diseases: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly - Dr. Meredith Faires
- EMS: IPAC in the former Saskatoon Health Region - Erika Stebbings and Sherri Julé
2018 Spring Education Session and Meeting: Antimicrobial Stewardship - Justin Kosar, BSc. BSP (April 11, 2018)
2017 Fall Education Conference and General Meeting: Preparing for Change (September 15, 2017)
- Teacher, teacher can you teach me? Becoming better educators - Jim Gauthier
- Bending the Rules without Breaking the Principles - Jim Gauthier
- IPAC Canada Mentorship Program
- Think TB: A one page guide for Health Care Providers - Cathy Hartsook
- Extrapulmonary TB - Dr. K. Stewart
- Highlights from IPAC National Conference from our Scholarship winners: Jennifer, Loretta, Sherry
The Saskatchewan Ministry of Health has provided funding for Webber Training teleclasses.