Saskatchewan Professionals in Infection Control
Chapter Representatives to IPAC Canada Interest Groups
Cardiac Care Interest Group: Tess Harrison
Community Healthcare Interest Group: Carla Danielson
Dialysis Interest Group: Amanda Peterson
Environmental Hygiene Interest Group: Gordon Platt
Healthcare Facility Design & Construction Interest Group: Renee Joyce
LTC Interest Group: Asma Ahmad
Mental Health Interest Group: Rohit Sachdeva
Oncology & Transplantation Interest Group: Jaimie Piper
Pediatrics & Neonatal Interest Group: Carol Henry
Pre-Hospital & First Responders Interest Group: Vacant - Please contact SASKPIC President
Reprocessing Interest Group: Laurel Whitehead-Pauls
Dental Sub-Group of Reprocessing Interest Group: Laurel Whitehead-Pauls
Surveillance & Applied Epidemiology Interest Group: Teja Yalamanchili